Trains from Rimini

You can book a train from Rimini on the website Or buy a train ticket from Rimini directly at the train station.

The main company in Italy is considered to be Trenitalia. Trenitalia, was founded on June 1, 2000 by Ferrovie Dello Stato Spa (, as required by EU directives on market liberalization, a process that began in 1998: the transport service provider and the infrastructure manager were to become two different bodies.

Trenitalia is a train company dedicated to the transportation of passengers over medium and long distances at local and regional level, as well as the transportation of goods. This company consists of three main departments: Passeggeri [passengers], Trasporto Regionale [regional transport], freight – respectively dedicated to medium and long distance passenger transportation, regional transport and freight transportation – and of Unità Tecnologie and Materiale Rotabile, involved in the purchase, design restructuring of vehicles and maintenance of the railroad.

Trenitalia’s main missions are to provide safety, quality and good customer relations. Trenitalia, with about 61000 employees, owns economic and instrumental means and this embodies the first important goal of the Italian reorganization of trains.

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